Mon 27 Jan
Asian Hawaiian Island Beauty for hot dates (can u keep up?).Shorty 5ft, 110lbs ( GREAT RATES) ! - 29
Nuru Therapy, Fetishes, Watersprts - Friday Night and Sat Morning - 34
(Columbus, March 8th Late Friday Eve/Saturday Morn)
Escape From the Everday with an Erotic Massage by Sexy Fitness Model Type!! - 30
(Downtown Jersey City)
**~~* Relaxation Bodyglide * Sensual and Erotic Red Head * All Nude *~~** - 27
(Portland, portland se hawthorne blvd)
**~~* Relaxation Bodyglide * Sensual and Erotic Red Head * All Nude *~~** - 27
(Portland, portland se hawthorne blvd)
TS .B A R B I E .. SEXY ... SWEET... Y O U N G .. B U S T Y .. B L O N D E....100% me - 20
(Detroit, Outcall only east)
SEXY ... SWEET... Y O U N G ..... B U S T Y .... B L O N D E....100% me. TS BARBIE - 20
(Detroit, 14/75 Incall outcall east)
.S U P E R ..S E X Y....TS. Barbie is hot for you ..D O N T .M I S S . O UT ..SPECIALS - 19
(Detroit, Incall 696 DEQ)
HOT EXOTIC Hawaiian Asian!! Independent BI Love Doll for once in a lifetime Fantasy come true!!!! - 29
(Los Angeles, orange county)
Sun 26 Jan
teacher? doctor? professor? i love roleplaying ☎️☎️8324506471☎️☎️ hello, my name is skyyyy :)! i am 100% real you won't be disappointed. i'm single. no boyfriends or pimps lol. i'm ve
(Houston texas)
teacher? doctor? professor? i love roleplaying hello, my name is skyyyy :)! i am 100% real you won't be disappointed. i'm single. no boyfriends or pimps lol. i'm very nice & open minded. i'm a leo. (
(Houston texas)
teacher? doctor? professor? i love roleplaying☎️☎️ 2817978006☎️☎️ hello, my name is skyyyy :)! i am 100% real you won't be disappointed. i'm single. no boyfriends or pimps lol. i'm ve
(Houston Texas)
teacher? doctor? professor? i love roleplaying hello, my name is skyyyy :)! i am 100% real you won't be disappointed. i'm single. no boyfriends or pimps lol. i'm very nice & open minded. i'm a leo. (
(Houston Texas)
explosive fun! wild fantasies with a young beach volleyball babe. slim and tan with big natural boobs
Tue 21 Jan
Nuru Therapy, Fetishes, Watersprts - Friday Night and Sat Morning - 34
(Columbus, March 8th Late Friday Eve/Saturday Morn)
TS .B A R B I E .. SEXY ... SWEET... Y O U N G .. B U S T Y .. B L O N D E.... - 20
(Detroit, INCALL 14/75)
TS .B A R B I E .. SEXY ... SWEET... Y O U N G .. B U S T Y .. B L O N D E.... - 19
(Detroit, INCALL)
.B A R B I E ... I S ..... A .. SEXY ... Y O U N G .. B U S T Y .. B L O N D E.... - 19
(Detroit, 696 dequindre)
Sun 12 Jan
M. A. T. U. R. E. T A L L .B U S T Y THICK B L O N D E, Fetishes, S W I N G. C L U B S - 50
(Midtown East, Midtown East grand central)
Sat 11 Jan
Asian Hawaiian Island Beauty for hot dates (can u keep up?).Shorty 5ft, 110lbs ( GREAT RATES) ! - 29
Fri 10 Jan
Nuru Applications, Watersprts, Electro Gadgets, and Heel/foot Fetish - 34
(Wilmington, Wilmington/Kure Beach/BHI/Southport/WB)
~~** Mutual Kink With a Sexy Red Head ** Sensual Relaxation Bodyglide ** **~~ - 27
(Portland, se hawthorne blvd near 40th ave pdx)
** Mutual, Sensual, Erotic Relaxation with Bethany Bliss * Sexy Red Head ** - 27
(Portland, se hawthorne blvd near 40th ave pdx)
Brazen Brunette For Nuru, Roleplaying and Watersprts Sept.21-22 - 34
(North Jersey, Secaucus September 21-22)
Brazen Brunette For Nuru, Roleplaying and Watersprts Sept.20-22 - 34
(North Jersey, Secaucus September 20-22)
Thu 09 Jan
RELIABLE Bodyrub Service. We NEVER Over-book, we NEVER Bait & Switch. 100% REAL PHOTOS & VIDEOS > - 20
(Downtown, Downtown (TriBeCa) Midtown West (30s))
Come to Paradise! Body Rub s& Escort! `Busty BomBshell will take you to HEAVEN - 34
(West Hollywood :: near Sunset Plaza)
Wed 08 Jan
Come to Paradise! Body Rub s& Escort! `Busty BomBshell will take you to HEAVEN - 32
(West Hollywood :: near Sunset Plaza)
Brazen Brunette For Nuru, Roleplaying and Watersprts Sept.20-22 - 34
(North Jersey, Secaucus September 20-22)
Escape From the Everday with an Erotic Massage by Sexy Fitness Model Type!! - 30
(Downtown Jersey City)
**~~ NEW PHOTOS ** Sensual Relaxation Bodyglide with Bethany Bliss ~~** - 27
(Portland, Salem, se hawthorne blvd near 40th ave pdx)
Tue 07 Jan
$60 March Special *** Private Erotic Total Full- Body Relaxation *** Man 2 Man *** - 49
(Johns Landing area)
Asian Hawaiian Island Beauty for hot dates (can u keep up?).Shorty 5ft, 110lbs ( GREAT RATES) ! - 29
Mon 06 Jan
TS .B A R B I E .. SEXY ... SWEET... Y O U N G .. B U S T Y .. B L O N D E.... - 20
(Detroit, INCALL 14/75)
Relieve the Tingly Throbbing Pulsating *34DD* Body2Body 4 B O D Y M E L T - 27
(Midtown East, Midtown EAST 48th and 3rd Ave)
GeT n.a.u.g.h.t.y with a HOTTIE *34DD* Redhead 2 MaKe ur B O D Y M E L T - 27
(Midtown East, Midtown 37th and 6th)
2 for. MONDAY (2for1) HOT, , BUSTY, JEWISH Ameican Girl wants to PlaY Together with you!!!! - 25
(Midtown East)
Sun 05 Jan
Asian Hawaiian Island Beauty for hot dates (can u keep up?).Shorty 5ft, 110lbs ( GREAT RATES) ! - 29
~~**_Red Head**Erotic Bliss with Bethany_**~~ New Website!! - 26
(Portland, se hawthorne area near 40th, pdx)
◀☆▶XxCLuSiVe xXoTiC BeAuTy◀■▶UnFoRgeTTaBLe Body & TeChNiQuE◀■▶Ur S€ARCH €nDs H€R€◀💛▶THANK ME LATER◀ - 27
(Milwaukee, ▶MaCiE◀▶414 231-1557◀▶Private Incalls◀▶)
**~~ NEW PHOTOS ** Sensual Relaxation Bodyglide with Bethany Bliss ~~** - 27
(Portland, se hawthorne blvd near 40th ave pdx)
M. A. T. U. R. E. T A L L .B U S T Y C L A S S Y B L O. N D E, Or S W I N G. C L U B S - 49
(Midtown East, Midtown East grand central)
Sat 04 Jan
M. A. T. U. R. E. 5'9" .B U S T Y THICK B L O N D E, N U R U, Mutual Touch - 50
(Midtown East, Midtown East grand central)
TS .B A R B I E .. SEXY ... SWEET... Y O U N G .. B U S T Y .. B L O N D E....100% me - 20
(Detroit, Outcall only east)
Fri 03 Jan
** Sensual, Mutual, Erotic, Red Head * Pure Bliss ~~ - 26
(Portland, se hawthorne near 40th)
ME, my LITTLE black dress AND YOU! MY LAST DAY *40DD *Genuine* Fun *Erotic.. **LAST DAY SPECIAL** - 35
(Outcall valleywide/Resort friendly)
Thu 02 Jan
Brazen Brunette For Nuru, Roleplaying and Watersprts Sept.21-22 - 34
(North Jersey, Secaucus September 21-22)
RELIABLE Bodyrub Service. We NEVER Over-book, we NEVER Bait & Switch. 100% REAL PHOTOS & VIDEOS - 20
(Manhattan, Penn Station Midtown West & Chelsea)
**2for1** (Come n Watch US PLay Together with you:)ALL AMERICAN Busty Jewish girls! - 25
(Midtown East)